
Akademic subjects:

Palacky University Olomouc (PU)

Křížkovského 511/8, 771 47 Olomouc

Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials – RCPTM is a leading research institute of Palacky University Olomouc. The main objective of the Centre is regular transfer of the developed high-tech technologies into medicinal, industrial and environmental practice and the participation of the Centre in the prestigious international networks and consortia. RCPTM focuses predominantly on the top research in the metal oxide nanoparticles for catalytic and magnetic applications, carbon nanostructures, metal nanoparticles for antimicrobial and water treatment technologies, coordination chemistry, photonics, new instrumentation in optics and analytical chemistry. One of the main goals is to offer first class microscopic, spectroscopic, magnetic and other devices for commercial use.

RCPTM contributes to teaching in several physical and chemical fields at all levels of university education. Many key subjects are guaranteed and taught by leading scientists. Considerable attention is also paid to the internationalization of scientific teams and to the support of mobility to foreign collaborating workplaces.


Technical University of Liberec (TUL)

Studentská 2, 461 17 Liberec

TUL is a leading European institution in the field of application of nanoiron for remediation and Czech research institute of modern sanitation methods (oxidation and reduction methods). This can be documented by first Europe performed application of nanoFe in 2004, to which contributed TUL researchers as well as by participation in a European project ObservatoryNano, that supports new technologies. The investigators of the project from TUL are members of multidisciplinary team of The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technology and Innovation (CxI).

The instrumental equipment of laboratories CxI TUL include: high performance liquid chromatograph with DAD and ELSD detector, gas chromatographs with FID and MS, optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES), UV / VIS photometer analyzer TOC and TN, infrared FTIR spectrometer with microscopic attachment, an ion chromatograph. Device for shaking and colony tests in a stirred reactor under inert atmosphere and small apparatus for measuring physicochemical parameters.

The total volume of all projects that CXI works as a researcher as co-researcher is CZK 2.5 billion. From this CxI allocated approx. CZK 452 mil., and in 2012 the budget of these projects exceeds CZK 80 mil.


Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, v.v.i. (IM)

Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Praha 4

The subject of activity of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is scientific research covering the areas of physiology, biochemistry and genetics of microorganisms, molecular biology and molecular microbiology, study of microbial products and their formation, biodegradation activities of microorganisms and symbiotic relations in biological models including development of new biotechnological processes.

The subject of activity of the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology of the Institute of Microbiology AS CR, v.v.i, is basic and applied research in the fields of study and development of decontamination methods using microorganisms, characterization of microbial biodegradation pathways of organic pollutants, development of analytical methods for the determination of organic pollutants in the environment and ecotoxicology. The laboratory deals especially with relevant contaminants from the field of persistent organic pollutants and endocrine-active compounds.

Commercial subjects:


Geologická 4, 152 00 Praha 5




Dřetovice 109, 273 42 Stehelčeves

DEKONTA is a reputable company providing services in the field of environmental protection. It was founded in 1992 as a company specialized in the area of biological treatment of soils. The company currently employs 120 employees and annually handles hazardous waste in hundreds of thousands of tons and deals with hundreds of environmental projects. Dekonta, Inc. provides, within the decontamination of sites, comprehensive services ranging from decontamination of soils by biodegradation through decontamination of groundwaters to remediation of soil gas by sorption filters, biofilters and catalytic-oxidation incinerators. The company has an extensive material and technical base, which include technical equipment for the remediation of contaminated sites by physical, chemical and biological processes, emergency group, biodegradation centers, equipment for field research, analytical, microbiological and research laboratories, and extensive software. The company systematically deals with research activities in the field of remediation technologies and methods of waste treatment since 2000. It currently solves 20 grant projects within the areas of innovative bioremediation techniques, controlled chemical oxidation, waste gas treatment or thermal desorption.


GEOtest, Inc.

Šmahova 1244, 627 00 Brno

GEOtest, Inc. is one of the largest and most important Czech companies active in the field of geology and environmental protection. High level of expertise is given by more than 140 employees with mostly university degree, considerable number of authorizations, certifications and approvals and, in many cases, with long international experience.

The company has, besides the headquarter office in Brno, affiliates in Prague, Ostrava and Zlín and its subsidiaries in the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and newly in Albania and Mongolia.

The company experts resolve to 600 projects a year both from the commercial and public sectors, focusing primarily on remediation, waste economy and drink water supply.

The company provides a wide range of services (from consulting to supply), mainly in environmental fields, engineering geology, geotechnics and hydrogeology incl. accredited hydrochemical laboratories, and laboratories of soil mechanics and laboratories CzechGlobexGEOtest.

The company also conducts its own research and development (R & D) and significantly contributes to national and international research projects, e.g. realized by cluster CREA Hydro & Energy. Furthermore GEOtest participates in research projects AdMaS (Advanced Materials and Structures Technologies). Modern, newly built experimental laboratory with its equipment allows screening with mobile devices in the field as well as testing and analytics of new technological processes of waste treatment and contaminated waters of various types. Within R & D and solving of research projects, the company collaborates with experts from various universities in the Czech Republic and abroad in order to use the most advanced materials in the field of remediation and ecology.


LAC, Ltd.

Štefánikova 116, 664 61 Rajhrad

Společnost LAC, Ltd. is more than two decades successful manufacturer and seller of industrial furnaces, ovens and refractory shapes. It operates both domestic and foreign markets. Since founding the company in 1992, it was produced more than 11,000 furnaces. Products are used in many technological processes of heat treatment. The program of production is made up not only by a complex series of mass-produced ovens and dryers, but also offers atypical processing furnaces according to specific requirements. Development and design department together with a team of technicians guarantee quality services and promise of further growth. An important activity of the company is manufacture of refractory bricks, of which a substantial part is used in its own production of industrial furnaces. The company also offers supplies of heating elements, refractory and insulating materials, regulatory elements, implementation of reconstruction of furnaces, heating systems and switchboards.

MEGA, Inc.

Drahobejlova 1452, 190 00 Praha 9

MEGA a.s. is solely Czech with more than 20 years of history company based on its own continuously innovated and widen know-how. The company’s activities are divided into two directions: Division of Ecology and remediation, and division of membrane processes, which collaborates on WP4. MEGA Inc. is a worldwide operating company and the leader in the field of electrodialysis and integrated membrane processes. The company’s products are based on patented ion-exchange membranes. MEGA Inc. offers components, equipment and comprehensive turn-key technology for desalination of water and other media in the field of ecology, food, pharmaceutical, purification of biomolecules and chemical production. Company also provides all related services such as pilot testing and pre-engineering, engineering and maintenance services.

The department of innovative development provides activities related to research, development and innovation activities of the company. It performs, in cooperation with technology, design and manufacturing departments of the company, its own research and innovation activities leading to improvement and expansion of the company’s products. The department provides research collaboration with external partners and it is a gateway to external know-how to the company. It has 5 full-time employees and more than twenty cooperating experts. The department provides comprehensive services and tools for collaborative research, implementation of innovations within production and commercialization of research and development outputs, whether their own or external.


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